We will evangelize through the Power of Christ to the call of saving souls, healing, restoration and forgiveness. The love of God and the demonstration of that love through His people is built upon personal relationships with a passion for the lost.
To passionately pray, preach, teach and live through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is His greatest act of love toward us.
To equip believers to become disciples for godly living as the Holy Spirit empowers and anoints us to lead others to faith in Jesus Christ as witnesses.
To demonstrate the power of God in all that we do as we fellowship in the presence of God in an atmosphere of love.
We are called to be a Christ-centered, Holy Spirit led church as we share in the love of God with others with love and compassion.
To fulfill the Great Commission, by loving the unsaved souls through sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ (John 3:16).
To love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind and to worship God with sincere expression.
To love each other with the same passion, so that all people would know that we are true disciples of Christ through the love we exhibit one to the other (John 13:35).